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A member registered May 17, 2020

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I hope you don't mean the game is off topic because its assumptions about healthy eating are flawed. Obviously Mr. Apétit is not even human.

The idea of selectively "eating" stuff (eg. milk, triangles, etc.) based on what you "are" (eg. Mr. Apétit, a triangle, etc.) is the central point of multiple entries in this jam.

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That's what "You are what you consume" is all about. Making the right decisions. Doing the right things. And staying consistent.

I see lots of other entries interpreting it as "You instantly change your whole identity when something happens". But that's not what change is. Change needs time and consistency.

I think this game isn't about trying to change though. It's about a fellow who tries to stay healthy. And with every unhealthy food he eats he slowly becomes more unhealthy himself until he dies.

I don't see why other's say this game is off topic. Just because you don't spontaneously transform into milk when you drink some of it.

You are what you consume. So don't consume bad junk food but instead consume totally good and healthy fat-free soy milk. Perfect.

I think in the project settings on you should be able to set the correct viewport dimensions, no?

(1 edit)

Yes, please fix viewport dimensions in the project settings on

But is it a game?